If you were to draw a horizontal line through the centre of the Netherlands, (leaving Amsterdam aside) you would be left with Groningen as the largest city in the top half. This automatically gives Groningen a strategic prominence over a vast area – with all the attendant economic and cultural dynamics that naturally come with that position. Add to this the fact that Groningen has been one of the more popular cities among students for centuries and you quickly realise why people exclaim: ‘… never a dull moment in Groningen!’
In 2007, the European Commission carried out research among the residents of 75 larger and medium-sized cities, one of which was Groningen. The result was striking; the residents of Groningen are Europe’s most contented citizens. Since then, a whole new stream of visitors has started looking at our city; all intent on discovering the ‘Groningen Secret’. This brochure has been specifically produced to assist you and all those fellow explorers. NOTHING TOPS GRONINGEN